Jesus’ Clean Motivation During Failure

In this series we are looking at Jesus’ New Commandment: “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34 So how did Jesus love the disciples? We are looking at how Jesus loved the disciples during failure or sin.

In Mark 10:13 people are bringing little children and babies to Jesus to have Him touch them. The disciples get in there and interfere with the entire situation actually rebuking the parents and telling them to “get those kids out of here! Jesus is too busy for that.” (Paraphrase) The text clearly says, “When Jesus saw this, He was indignant.”

We have defined that word several times but it essentially means Jesus was furious, hacked off and angry. Again, don’t read in unclean anger. Jesus can be angry in a clean way.

What does Jesus do? Does He blow His top? No. Does He scream or yell like we might (wanting to defend the people and the little children from the disciples?) No. Does He fault find saying, “Idiots, what are you doing? Didn’t I train you to serve people rather than boss them around?” No. Does He shame the disciples saying, “Will you guys ever learn? Am I just wasting my time on you guys?” No. Does Jesus threaten them with rejection, saying, “If you guys don’t figure this out, I am going to get some other disciples to train!” No.

Jesus may be furious about how they are treating these little children and parents but He loves them by instructing them and challenging them. “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them…” It is simply clean instruction probably with some intensity behind the worlds because He is indignat. Then He also challenges them telling them that no one will receive the kingdom of God without being like a little child. Jesus is challenging them to grow in capacities that resemble some aspects of little children. You might also be able to read some correction in here because of His indignance and intensity.

But let me say that Jesus’ correction is not like worldly correction that is motivated by unclean anger and actually tears the person down. Jesus has the ability, like the best Coach, to correct a mistake and also build the person up.

When you know your Coach cares about you in this way, you can actually fully embrace the correction rather than run from it and grow in the strongest and greatest way! Your personal growth in the goodness of the kingdom can be greatly accelerated when you know your Coach has your absolute best in mind! Every word He speaks is for your good and growth forever! That is Jesus’ leadership in our lives of His followers.

So how can we “love one another as Jesus loved the disciples?” When someone really fails and screws up and you are furious about it… walk in the Spirit (Gal 5:16) and let the Holy Spirit bear His fruit of patience, goodness and self-control (even though you are angry) and motivate them with instruction, challenge and even correction but ONLY for their growth and building them up.

And remember, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” Jesus reveals God’s invisible character. Most of this is Life Application in this chapter walking out the Second Commandment. However, don’t forget to go out and pray, walk or talk to Jesus and just worship Him. Focus on how good and healthy His motivation method is. Praise Him for His love especially during our failures and sins.


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