The Power of Jesus: They All Drew Back and Fell to the Ground

In our quest to “know Jesus better” (Ephesians 1:17) we want to examine both His tender side and His fierce side (think Aslan from the Narnia Chronicles by C. S. Lewis).

Today let’s take a quick look at Jesus’ power. At the same time, however, keep in the backdrop of your mind Jesus’ tenderness with the children, His humility to wash the disciples feet and His deep compassion that the crowd of 4,000 might collapse unless He fed them.


In John 13 -17  we are told that Jesus has finished eating the last meal with His disciples. He has a long conversation with them and then concludes by praying to the Father for them and us. They walk over to Gethsemane where there was an olive grove. Judas knew the place and shows up with a detachment of soldiers. Jesus knew everything that was going to happen and went out to them saying, “Who is it you want?” The soldiers replied, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Then Jesus said, “I am he.” When Jesus spoke those words power was released and they all fell to the ground! (John 18:6)


When you consider the full wonder of His humility, compassion and tenderness don’t neglect to “marvel” at His power and strength! With three  words “I am he,” power is released and physical bodies fall to the physical ground. Remember, this is Jesus who can calm a raging storm with a few words (Mark 4:39). This is Jesus who can turn water into wine (John 2). This is the One who can ordain a fish to bite Peter’s line all the while holding a coin in its mouth for Peter’s use (Matt 17:27)! He is the God-man who ordains the movement of the fish in the sea so that they fill Peter’s net (Luke 5).


If you have seen Jesus, you have seen the Father. Jesus’ power, reveals the Father’s power. He can deal with any problem or oppression your struggle with!

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