Roll Up: Jesus Corrects His Disciples Without ANY Rejection!

This subject is critical because the Bible highlights the “full” character of Jesus. We have seen His compassion, His tenderness and His wonderful humility! That is Jesus the Lamb of God (Rev 5:6)! However, we also need to see the ‘goodness’ in Jesus “Lion” side. Correction without rejection is part of Jesus, “the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!” (Rev 5:5) Lastly we need to fill in everything in between the two (Jesus’ Protection, Self-control, Approachability, Praise etc).

We looked at Jesus getting indignant/furious with the Disciples for blocking the little children from coming to Him! He corrects His disciples but does not reject them. When James and John want to call fire down on the Samaritan village to kill them for rejecting Jesus’ request to lodge there, Jesus rebukes or corrects them but without rejecting them. When Peter attacks Jesus’ plan to suffer for the human race on the cross, Jesus corrects Him with the classic, “Get behind me Satan,” but does not reject Peter. And when the 3 disciples fail to watch and pray with Jesus right before His torture and execution, Jesus does not reject them but instructs them and corrects them. You can see Him challenging the disciples, sometimes intensely, but always for their growth and ability to care/lead others!

One might ask, “In these situations, what if Jesus was passive and did nothing?” The disciples would continue being unruly, harsh and oppressing others! Horrible leaders! They probably would oppress the very ones they are supposed to care for (think of the children and the Samaritan Villagers)! “Caring” involves exactly the same combination of compassion and correction that Jesus demonstrated for the disciples.

Take Away:

God Is Just Like Jesus:
Hebrews 1:3 says “The Son is the exact representation of the Father.” Jesus’ correction and discipline devoid of any rejection reveals the Father’s correction and discipline without rejection. The fact that Jesus cares enough about us to spend the energy to correct and discipline us for our growth and goodness reveals that God cares enough about us to spend energy and time on us for our good! Linking correction to growth is critical for people to grow in healthy ways! To mature into the fullness of goodness!

1st Commandment Prayer:
Jesus you’re amazing! I always distrusted fierceness, anger or correction because the person doing this was not always concerned about “helping me grow”. But you, Lord, are always challenging me, even in uncomfortable ways, for my good! You want me to be a fully grown man or woman rather than a spoiled brat! I don’t always like the process but the results are truly wonderful! And my friends like me better when I am more like You!


Father, since you will not reject me when you discipline me, this gives me greater strength to learn from your correction and “run to you instead of from you” when I fail or sin! How am I supposed to grow if I am always running away from you when I fail and sin? But you are working to mature me and grow me for your kingdom and for my own good and reward! You care more about me than I (really) care about myself! Help me continue to see your goodness and trust You with my very soul!

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