The Clean Anger of Jesus Protects the Children Without Rejecting the Disciples

This passage about Jesus holding and enjoying both the babies and the little children has many facets to it (Mark 10:13). Then again, we are talking about the very Character of the Almighty… there will be many dimensions to His infinite personhood!

We have noted that regardless of His Power and busy schedule He delights in the children and is tender with them. In fact He indicates that “you must become like a little child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” We have also noted that the children’s reaction to Jesus is far different to how they would relate to the Pharisees and Sadducees – the children find Jesus very “approachable” and warm! However, we can see a third point. The disciples, for whatever reason, are trying to keep the children and kids away from Jesus. The text is very clear on this point. “When Jesus saw this, he was indignant…” Now, indignant is a very strong word – look up the definition and it means “furious, angry, hot, or upset” among other words. It is fascinating and wonderful that Jesus has such a strong emotions towards any barrier that would keep the children away!


If a barrier in front of Children coming to Jesus makes Him angry, in a clean way, you know that God feels the same way. The Father delights in children and want them to have open and free access to Him. To “know” Him. John 17:3 says that to “Know God” is to be saved. Jesus protection of the Children exactly mirrors God’s protection of the Children.


Prayer: Jesus I delight in your clean anger because for the 1st time I can see that it clearly results in the weak and those who have no voice… being protected! Help me understand the difference between dysfunctional human anger and clean godly anger.


Additional Comments —————————————————————-

Classically, in human history, children have been abused, violated, suppressed and trafficked by older humans. Jesus makes many statements about Children to protect them. His reaction here with the disciples is one such statement. The wise will listen and learn. The foolish will not.

Because children are so vulnerable Jesus makes even stronger statements. Beyond even the horrors of child abuse and child neglect… let me remind you that millions of children are sold as sex slaves around the world. In this context let’s examine of Jesus strongest statements:

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come” – Matthew 18:6


Let us join Jesus and care for the weakest and the most vulnerable and delight in the Lord’s passion and protection of Children!

These, among many other agencies, champion the protection of children:

Compassion International –

World Vision International –

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