Jesus’ Clean Anger with the Ruler protects the Crippled Woman!

Consider the first entry. When Jesus cleanses the temple and drives out the money changers, the animanls and the entire system of extortion that was operating in the temple – you find out that the people are being protected from a money making system setup by the Pharisees and true worship of God is restored to the temple.The second entry on the right hand column is our post today – where Jesus heals the woman bent over for 18 years.

The third entry reveals that His fierceness to calm the storm at sea, results in the protection of His disciples.

The fourth entry of Jesus’ clean anger with the disciples for trying to keep the children away from Him results in the children being protected and having access to Jesus.

The fifth entry entry of Jesus fiercely driving out demons results in the protection of the human beings who are delivered.

When Jesus strongly discipline’s Peter – Jesus is protecting the human race. What if Jesus didn’t bear the sins of the world because He wanted to save His own life and prevent His own suffering. Humans would be lost because they would have to bear the punishment of all their own sins.

The seventh entry – when Jesus disciplines His followers for wanting to call down fire on the Samaritian village who rejected Jesus – the village was protected but more broadly people of all generations are protected from the foolishness of His imperfect followers when Jesus clarifies His mission – “I didn’t come to destroy men’s lives but to save them!”

The last 2 entries – when Jesus is angry at the hardness of the Pharisees hearts – Jesus’ resistance of these attitudes sets a stake in the ground for all those who will listen and turn back to life. These things lead to death. Jesus resists these attitudes to help them turn back to life.

In many ways the clean anger, fierceness and intensity of Jesus often results in someone being protected – you just have to look around and pray to find out who.


In Luke 13:10, we see a wonderful picture of the clean anger and intensity of Jesus that directly protects the people’s understanding of God but also protects a woman just healed.

Jesus is teaching on a Sabbath (Saturday) in a synagogue and heals a cripple woman who was bent over for 18 years and could not straighten up at all. In response, the synagogue ruler is “indignant” or furious and tells the people NOT to come for healing on the Sabbath! Consider the fierceness of Jesus! He turns on the leader and calls him out! “You Hypocirtes!” (notice the exclamation mark) Then Jesus tells them why they are hypocrites… “Why do you consider it ‘work’ when I heal this suffering woman on a Sabbath, but NOT consider it ‘work’ when you take your animals out to water them on a Sabbath?”

The text says that “When He said this, all His opponents were humiliated, but the people were delighted…” Jesus is not a sissy. He is incrediby humble (washing the feet) and tender (with children and others) but mighty in strength! By confronting the Ruler’s statement, He protects the people’s understanding of God. The Ruler says God doesn’t want to heal on the Sabbath, but Jesus says (and proves) that God does want to heal on the Sabbath. Therefore confirming God’s care for people “every” day.

Jesus’ clean anger also protects the woman. If she believed the Ruler she might have been covered in shame or condemnation for her healing, fearing that it should not have happened. Jesus prevents this confusion.

In a larger way – Jesus also protects the people by rejecting the way the Pharisees and Priests have interpreted the law about the Sabbath. “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”

Prayer: Jesus, human anger scares me, but your anger is wholesome and I can see the benefits of it! I love seeing your protection of the weak and vulnerable – those who are physically weak or those who’s minds are in danger of confusion. This helps me trust You more! Keep unfolding your Good Character to me, so that I trust you more perfectly!

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