How Did Jesus Love the Disciples? Give Me Specifics.

Today let’s consider John 15:21. Jesus is speaking to his 12 (and other disciples) that have gathered in the Upper Room the night before He is arrested. Jesus says, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” Ten or fifteen years ago, I would read that verse and say, “HOW DID He love the disciples?” Embarrassingly, I really had NO answer. I really couldn’t bring anything to mind. But being familiar with the basic Christian doctrines I thought, “Oh, he went to the cross for them. You know, Jesus died for them to pay for their sins.”   And that is absolutely and profoundly true. But strangely, that didn’t fully explain that verse to me. It seemed that He was talking about some other things. And I really had NO IDEA how to go around “loving others by dying for them.” I just couldn’t figure it out.   Do you get a sense for where I am going? The “God Is Just Like Jesus” material really answers the question, “HOW DID Jesus love His disciples.” It answers the question with specifics! Can you think of some?

  1. Jesus loves Nathaniel when He compliments him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” (John 1:47 Remember, Nathaniel is imperfect just like us. Jesus still finds things to praise!)
  2. Jesus loves Peter by explaining things to him when he is confused. (Matt 15:15, Mk 4:10, Matt 16:7-8)
  1. Jesus loves Peter and the disciples by instructing when they are sinning in selfish ambition arguing about “Which one of them is the greatest.” Jesus is wonderfully patient with their repeated sin in this area. It is not a one-time thing. (Mk 9:33, Mk 10:35, Luke 22:24)
  1. Jesus loves the disciples by protecting them from the Pharisees twisted and legalistic view of God. The Pharisees made God look absolutely horrible. Jesus reveals the Father as a way of loving the disciples. (John 1:18)
  1. Jesus loves Peter by challenging him to grow in faith and trust when he fails to continue walking on water (Matt 14:22) or when he loses faith in Jesus when the storm on the Sea of Galilee almost killed them (Mk 4:35)
  1. Jesus loves the disciples when He corrects them without shaming them. Like when James and John want to call lightning bolts (fire) down on the Samaritan village (Luke 9:51)
  1. Jesus loves the disciples by walking in “self-control” and care for the disciples during their greatest failures. Peter, James and John fail Jesus and fall asleep in Gethsemane RIGHT WHEN HE NEEDS THEM THE MOST! The battle to go through the cross was fought in Gethsemane. Jesus, even under His greatest anguish and suffering, does not lash out at the disciples for a moment! He is “beautifully” self-controlled! He challenges them but does not lash out. (Matt 26:36-46)
  1. Jesus loves all the disciples (and us) by refusing to take the easy way out! In total self-control Jesus refuses to call upon “12 legion of angels” to prevent His torture and execution under the Jewish leaders. He could have leveled Jerusalem! (Matt 26:50-54)
  1. Jesus loves Peter by radically restoring him after his complete collapse. Jesus woos him back to life by the Sea of Galilee in John 21:15-19
  1. Jesus loves Thomas by appearing to him to overcome his doubt. There is some correction for Thomas but Jesus meets him where he needs to be met. (John 20:27)

Studying and praying the specific ways that Jesus loved the disciples gives a ton of depth and meaning to John 15:21 “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” Instantly you can see, through Jesus’ example, how to love others. You could encourage or compliment someone like Nathaniel.  You can explain things or instruct someone if they are confused. You can challenge and even correct people like Jesus did – without shaming them or rejecting them. (Boy does this speak to me as a parent! But it also applies as a business man in the work place. And it also applies to me as a husband towards the woman I love!) Being self-controlled and caring is always a form of love! Few people appreciate self-control – but that is a critical Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).   Jesus is the ultimate model for loving others!

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